Over the years, I have found there are three major points to consider when working towards optimum health: Good sleep and good food, which leads to good intestines. Today, I am writing about good sleep.
For my entire life I have loved to sleep. My younger sister, April, used to beg me to get out of bed to watch cartoons with her. After a great deal of begging on her behalf, I would make it to the couch, only to sleep some more. As I grew up, I took naps more often than not. My naps are anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours. I realize 3 hours seems a bit long for a nap, but I believe we are to sleep until our body indicates it's time to get up. More on what I believe to be the importance of naps another time.
Sleep is when our bodies transitions into healing mode.
As an adult, I was shocked to enter Menopause and discover the rumor of night sweats was true. Waking up in a sweat and throwing to covers off....only to then be freezing in a few minutes because you are literally drenched in sweat was everything I had heard. When this happens a few times each night, naturally, sleep is interrupted. At first, it seemed rather novel to enter into this phase of life. It wasn't long, though, I was not happy to not have a complete night of blissful sleep. Waking up feeling like I had missed out on the best part of my life ~ sleeping ~ was not only disappointing, it was exhausting.
I was given an essential blend to cure my night sweats and hot flashes. The oils caused my sweats to disappear for several months and I was blissfully grateful, and monumentally disappointed when my sweats and flashes returned. I tried something else ~ some other remedy, which I cannot remember at the moment, but it also worked only for a short time. ....memory loss: another "benefit" of menopause. Needless-to-say, I spent a good year not getting a good nights sleep.
Then a friend sent me a YouTube link to a guy who presented how chlorine in our water causes the calcification of our Pineal Gland. In short, the "pineal gland releases melatonin, a serotonin derived hormone, which affects the modulation of sleep patterns." (Wikipedia) I listened right away to the 16 minutes video, which gave an overview of how to decalcify your pineal gland. Afterwards, I went to a video meditation which lasted one hour. Naturally, I laid down to listen and soon fell asleep. The beautiful thing is, you still get the benefits of this meditation while listening ~ or hearing ~ even while sleeping.
So. The point I am getting to is, after listening to the hour long meditation, I haven't had a night with sweats since. Not once. No night sweats. No hot flashes. No kidding. Not since August 2015. To date, I have been sleeping like a baby. This makes me about the happiest girl in the world to be sleeping through the night and enjoying my (almost) daily naps.
I encourage you to check out the videos. The binural beats meditation is soothing and a little funky, but worth every minute. Feel free to share your personal results in the comments area, and by all means....spread the word! There are a lot of people with insomnia and a lot of women out there who will love you for doing potentially making a difference in their life.
I look forward to sharing something else I find noteworthy.
In the meantime....be well and be happy.
All the best,
Ralph Smart - Infinite Waters (15 minutes)
It's best to listen to this style of meditation with your earbuds in ~ right and left, appropriate.
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